
Patrick McSharry is a Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Research Fellow at the Kigali Collaborative Research Centre (KCRC) and Strategic Advisor to the World Bank funded African Centre of Excellence in Data Science (ACE-DS). Having served 22 years at Oxford University, he remains affiliated with the Oxford Man Institute of Quantitative Finance and the Oxford Internet Institute. He is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, Senior Member of the IEEE and Senior Academic Member of the Willis Research Network and advises on working groups for insurance, open data and big data. Patrick was a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow and held two Marie Curie Fellowships (UK and Spain). 

He advises national and international government agencies, foundations, NGOs and private sector firms on developing strategies for data analytics within the finance, insurance, agriculture, energy, telecoms, environment, education and healthcare sectors. He takes a multidisciplinary approach to developing quantitative techniques for automating decision-making and improving risk management. His research focuses on artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, big data, forecasting, predictive analytics and the analysis of human behaviour. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers and three books including the "Big Data Revolution". Patrick received a first class honours BA in Theoretical Physics and an MSc in Engineering from Trinity College Dublin and a DPhil in Mathematics from Oxford University.

You can contact Patrick at patrick@mcsharry.net

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